Tanto el Kundalini Yoga como la Metaprogramación Cognitiva son sorprendentemente transformadores y tienen un impacto perenne en nuestra vida. Lea sobre la experiencia de los clientes a continuación:
Nuestra historia
My Road to Kundalini Practice - by Federico A. Dedicated to my teacher Julia and to those who struggle and are in despair. My encounter with Kundalini Yoga started with the worse nightmare of my life. A loved member of my family was having a very violent and unexpected nervous breakdown. From one day to the other, the person I once knew was somehow a different individual, somebody I did not know or have seen before. Going into further detail, it was more or less like a horror movie that my family members and I were experiencing at that time, one that I would not wish upon anyone. Looking for a solution for our crisis and trying almost everything, including neuro-biofeedback, psychologists, psychiatrists, nutrition, integrative medicine, and some other unorthodox methods. To my disappointment, none of these methods worked. I became sleep-deprived and desperate for any solution. Having continuous fear of dealing with more traumatic episodes, I began noticing symptoms of PTSD within myself. In my continuous search, I came across an article that claimed to cure mental disorders with a technique called Kundalini Yoga. I tried to convince my loved one, but she refused.Curious about what Kundalini was, I bought a book and decided to give it a try. After just a few times of practice with only the book and no other guidance, I started noticing that some physical changes in my brain were taking place. My fears, my PTSD, my apathy towards easy things that look complicated were disappearing. My brain somehow was being restructured and functional. If I could do that on my own, what could I possibly do with guidance? It is worth mentioning that at the same time, I had a very chaotic and abusive life with alcohol and other drugs, not a very good combination for my family crisis. From there, I bought a good book on eBay about Kundalini from a person that resides in Spain. The book got lost and I never got it, but the person that sold me the book introduced me to Julia in order to help me with my family crisis. It turned out, however, she was also a certified Kundalini teacher. I ask her if she would teach me, and she agreed. I started having classes every day, in which I was mainly lost and confused during the class. Still, I was feeling substantial effects on my brain and my personality. After two months of practice, one morning, I decided not to drink or use other drugs, yes! Just like that, somehow, I did not have the appetite to do it anymore. My anxiety and urge to soothe myself with stimulants disappeared, vanished. I only practiced Kundalini for seven months, and my life made a 180 degree turn. So far, kundalini has made me a better communicator with my family, a less reactive person, a better family member, a focused and confident individual, and a rejuvenated human being. In my view, Kundalini yoga is a yoga for your nervous system and brain. Having a good teacher to learn anything in life is a must. For me, having Julia as a teacher, as a friend, and in my life is a blessing. Her love for Kundalini and care and love for others is incomparable and hard to find. Even though Julia has recommended to learn from her master teachers, she is the best and only teacher I would ever endorse. Her attentiveness to detail, her energy, and participation in class are one of a kind. I highly recommend her; you will not be disappointed. I hope my story inspires and brings some light into the darkness of those who struggle and have nowhere else to go. Give Kundalini a chance; you might be surprised as to where the road takes you.
MELINDA SCHMIDT (DE) "I decided to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself with kundalini. So I did the 10 days kundalini challenge with Julia. It was a tough time. 30 minutes its not a long time, BUT if you have to stay in a certain position or make uncomfortable movements 22 minutes long, it feels like an eternity. I have to say that even if there were many moments my head was telling me to quit and stop doing this bullshit, I am glad I did it and finished it. I have learned to get my mind calm and get in touch with my thoughts and heart. I have realized how often happens that my head stays in my way and blocks me, because its afraid and needs the security and to know whats the next step. And if not you think you are going crazy. I can tell you one thing, you won't, just go through it, face the fear and you will see for how many things you are capable! If you what to do something good and challenging for yourself then try kundalini yoga with Julia. She is an amazing teacher with a lot of empathy and a big heart."
ZITA DEMÉNY - (life coach HU) When you see during meditation that you find out your emotions like the seed of a stone fruit to the outside world and in the meantime your tears gather very very slowly and trickle down your face ... and you don't even feel that ... you just realize that that your face is wet ...... Well, that's what I got from this meditation. Thank you so much Julia! (Kundalini yoga Thesaraus - collection of recorded meditations)
Dr. JUDIT MÁTYUS - (abogada HU) El sentimiento de "no soy lo bastante bueno" ha impregnado todos los aspectos de mi vida cotidiana. Al principio ni siquiera lo veía, era un perpetuo afán de perfeccionismo en todo lo que hacía. Durante un tiempo estuvo claro que este disco giraba todo el tiempo. Lo sé, lo veo. Probé varios métodos para deshacerme de él. Sin éxito. Mi último esfuerzo desesperado fue buscar un psicólogo. En la primera reunión, introductoria, me dijo que deshacerme de este problema, resolverlo, dejarlo, sería muy duro, incluso años de terapia muy dolorosa. Por aquel entonces conocí el Kundalini Yoga. Fui a mi primera clase con muchas reservas. Sólo lo hice porque dos personas muy auténticas para mí habían empezado a practicarlo y eran muy positivas. De hecho, el efecto del kundalini yoga en ellos fue algo que yo experimenté. La increíble profesionalidad y amabilidad de Julia Gabor me ayudaron a convertirme en practicante. Llevo mucho tiempo intentando adentrarme en el camino de la meditación, calmar mi mente es un gran objetivo. Por supuesto, me apunté al curso de meditación de una semana sobre el primer tercio de las 21 etapas de la meditación, "Cristalizar el Ser". No podía creérmelo cuando después de la segunda meditación se acabó el comentario de "no soy lo suficientemente bueno". ¡Ya no estaba unido a mis pensamientos! ¡Qué lujo! ¡Qué dicha! No hay palabras. Desde entonces han pasado varias semanas. Por supuesto, el "no soy lo suficientemente bueno" está en él. Pero no directamente, sino socarronamente, pero lo suficiente para ver. Pero no directamente, sino astutamente, pero lo suficiente para verlo y ya no es mío. ¡Qué bien! ¡Qué grande es eso! ¡Sólo tengo gratitud y agradecimiento! Lo que también es muy importante: cuando estoy luchando con la decepción, por ejemplo, puedo ver esto y volver a hacer la meditación sobre ello, porque estas meditaciones están a nuestra libre disposición. Después de terminar el curso, hemos tomado conciencia de los problemas y ahí está la herramienta, ¡la meditación mediada por Júlia! ¡Mi vida cotidiana se transformó en una semana! ¡Muchas gracias! (Camino de la Conciencia)
PAULINA POLKOWSKA - (fotógrafa ES) "Encontré a Julia buscando a alguien que estuviera haciendo metaprogramación cognitiva y conociéndola y empezando a trabajar con ella, puedo decir que en sólo 2 meses ha sido una de las mejores cosas que me ha podido pasar. Para mí la primera sesión ya ha sido una especie de ''milagro''; gracias a ella logré cerrar el duelo más difícil de mi vida causado por dejar una relación abusiva y que estuvo durando muchos meses y a pesar de esfuerzos y otro tipo de ayuda/terapia no solo se cerró y quedé con varios síntomas de postraumático. estrés. No puedo explicar hasta el día de hoy lo liberador y sanador que fue, pero en una primera sesión finalmente pude dejar ir, perdonar, aceptar y ser libre. De ahí en adelante empezamos a trabajar en otros temas de mi vida y todo ha sido grandes revelaciones, cambios y en un tiempo muy rápido (y anteriormente he hecho terapias largas de todo tipo, pero eso no se compara con nada), desde el trabajo. /vocación, a los trastornos alimentarios, a las relaciones, al amor propio, etc. A parte de la metaprogramación cognitiva, a mitad de camino animado por los resultados y gracias a la sugerencia de Julia, hice un programa de 40 días de meditaciones Kundalini para trastornos alimentarios (y en el que decidí continuar hasta el día de hoy) que ha sido mucho más de lo que dice el título - Siento que limpié muchos traumas y vacíos de mí, la ansiedad desapareció de mi vida y por primera vez siento una calma y una paz prolongadas que no provienen de ningún lugar externo, sino de un proceso interno real. . Su acompañamiento en todo momento es cariñoso, cercano, cálido, profesional, sabe ver a la persona más allá y sin juzgar, siempre me hizo sentir muy cómodo. Después de varios años en distintos tipos de terapia, corta o larga, con resultados de todo tipo, puedo decir que tanto la metaprogramación cognitiva, como la de Julia, han sido como encontrar ''eso'' que faltaba para poder empezar a estar bien en mi vida y sanar eficazmente heridas muy antiguas que impedían que muchas cosas buenas llegaran a mi vida y soy más feliz conmigo misma. Se lo recomendaría a cualquier persona que me importe y que esté pasando por momentos difíciles o que necesite trabajar en temas muy profundos o mejorar la calidad de su vida y realmente cambiar por dentro. Gracias, gracias, gracias."
Dr. ROBERT HEJJA Entrepreneur, Owner of Káli Art Inn HU I had the most amazing experience with Julia and her way of use of the Cognitive Metaprogramming method. Wounds from childhood surfaced to the extent I burst into tears throughout the session. She professionally supported me through the process and gave a liberation technique to leave those experiences and fears behind. A great THANKS to her!
DR. ROBERT MEZEI (lawyer HU) The thing is, for me, the buzzword was "eating disorder", but I got something else, much more. I mostly felt it in the warm-up exercises, but always with the root chakra lock, that the energy starts to flow upwards from the second chakra and the chakra starts to clear. I felt this more and more directly as I practiced and it has now cleared completely. This has a great significance in that: My lower abdomen is not tight, I don't feel constantly bloated; I don't have a food coma after eating, which for me was a total loss of energy; and more importantly I no longer had a constant feeling of tension in my lower abdomen, which was causing me to not have enough room to breathe properly, which was causing my asthma. A few days ago I caught an upper respiratory infection. This had previously, - because of my asthma, - almost always required hospitalisation, but at least steroid and/or antibiotic treatment. For two or three years now, I may have gotten away with a similar infection without them, but it requires a very serious mindfulness (yoga, meditation, alternative remedies, methods) that lasts weeks rather than days. I don't want to shout it out now, but by the morning of day 4 I feel I've managed to get over the illness without feeling particularly stressed and most importantly without any asthmatic problems. As you can see from the above for me life-changing story, I am very happy to have been part of it and very grateful to you all.
FEDERICO ACUNA (CEO USA) Hacer las paces con el pasado: "La Metaprogramación Cognitiva ha sido para mí una experiencia nueva e inesperada. He podido transportarme al pasado, legando de nuevo a revivir mis experiencias buenas y traumáticas. En el caso traumático he podido concluir ese ciclo o quizás verlo desde un punto de vista más positivo y constructivo, en el lado bueno he podido revivir esa alegría y seguridad que me dio esa experiencia. En resumen, diría que la metaprogramación me ha llevado a puntos dolorosos de mi vida, he podido filtrar y transformar esa experiencia en algo alentador y positivo."
ÁGNES TARNAI (life coach BE) "Insightful inner journeys, healing of past wounds and traumas, a new understanding of past decisions, reactions and behaviours, establishing new ways of thinking and functioning are some of the very important benefits of the meta programming sessions with Julia. She skilfully guides the process with compassion, deep understanding and intuition. Julia listens, hears the pain points, then works with the images, sensations and memories that pop up in me, using deep breathing to support this fast and efficient process. Each session was an amazing experience and left me with a clear understanding of how I functioned, why I functioned that way, and created a shift in how I look at situations, people and events in my life. These deep healings give me the freedom to take decisions differently, to make different choices and feel more complete, empowered and sovereign in my own life."
ANNUKKA LUKKARI (life coach FI) "Earlier this month, I finished a 40-day kundalini meditation journey. The protocol I did, is used and proven to have worked in reducing the PTSD symptoms, sleep, stress, mood, resilience, and anxiety in US veterans (please DM if you're interested in references). It is a series of 7 meditations, that altogether take 61 minutes. It doesn't sound too difficult, right? But OMG the mental resistance I faced!😅 Actually, it was my instant thought "I can't do that", that woke up my curiosity. I figured if there's such a resistance, then there's probably something I should explore, so I decided to challenge myself (a concept I never understood before) and start the journey. After the first day, my mind told me "there is no freakin' way I can go through with this every day for 40 days.", but once I figured out how to make it as comfortable as possible (dividing the meditations in two different parts, putting backround music I liked, finding the most comfortable pillow to sit on, putting on essential oils and wrapping myself in a confy blanket), it turned out that the practice integrated into my daily routine a lot faster than I would have ever expected! The main takeaways from the journey were: 1. Finding out I that I do indeed have self-disclipline 2. Learning how to find comfort in discomfort 3. Better sleep quality 4. Mental clarity 5. Release of physical tension, especially in neck and hip area 6. Energetic cleanse 7. Activation of the subconscious mind (access to the "hidden" archive of information through dreams) 8. Leveling up my spiritual game I'm so happy and proud of myself for doing this, it was one of the best things I have done for my personal & spirtual growth and wellbeing in a long time!" ✨️🙏✨️ @almadeacoaching #meditation #kundalini #kundaliniyoga #ky #meditationpractice #meditate #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #awareness #consciousness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #psychology #holistichealth #yoga #mentalhealthmatters #ptsd #depression #healing #energy #energyhealing #bodywork #anxiety #peace #calm #wellbeing #health
MAGDA JASTRZEBSKA (productora creeativa PL) Conocí a Julia a través de la meta programación cognitiva. Una manera tan profesional y gentil de ayudar y pasar juntos por el proceso de curación. Siempre es un placer trabajar con Julia.
OTILIA HORVÁTH (police agent HU) "Cuando tuvimos por primera vez una sesión meta con Julia, no tenía ni idea de lo que iba a pasar. No había oído hablar mucho de esto todavía, ¡pero tenía mucha curiosidad! la increíble empatía, la aceptación - y la magia en sí. Al trabajar juntos con una ligereza tremenda, avanzamos rápidamente y simplemente disolvimos los miedos subconscientes que acechaban en las profundidades de mi alma y que probablemente había cargado durante muchos años. Hice pasos enormes para aceptar, abrir, expandir... A la calma. A la tranquilidad. ¡No puedo estar lo suficientemente agradecida! Muchas gracias".
TEG SUNDER (CEO HU) "I am sincerely grateful for this protocol. It was mainly curiosity that led me to participate in the group, but I am experiencing unexpected positive effects in my life and my eating. For one, my perception has become much more subtle. I experience subtle vibrations and energies that I didn't before. On the other hand, I am subconsciously paying attention to what, when and how I eat and drink in ways that are surprising to me. Before, I had no problem having a couple of glasses of wine. The present situation is that I've started to pay attention to eating slowly, not frothily. So much less food is enough to feel full. During the protocol I started to abstain from big evening meals. I eat little or very little in the evening, then raw vegetables. I have no desire for alcohol. Water, tea substitute for everything, even juice does not taste good. The miracle is that I got all this not with conscious attention, but with natural ease. I felt the very powerful effect of the mantras I chanted especially in the 3rd third trimester of the 40 days. It cleansed me, uplifted me, gave me joy to listen and chant together. It felt like the mind was expanding. Thank you so much for 40 days of selfless presence, for your continued support.
MARIANN FORRAI Head de Finanzas, sector bancario HU): Para mí (ganpati kriya 40 días) es un ejercicio sorprendentemente eficaz, físicamente fácil y corto. Lo hago al final del día porque me ayuda a calmarme y es mucho más fácil que se me ocurran temas sobre los que quiero trabajar. Siempre surge algo, incluso cuando no quiero. Para mí no es una kriya catártica, a menudo es mentalmente difícil porque siempre me mantiene en el presente, pero obtiene resultados muy rápidamente."
TÜNDE HORVÁTH (Ayurvedic therapist HU) "The PTSD Protocol's multi-step meditation series invites you on a real, deep inner journey. My experiences during the first 7 days of practice (both physical and mental) have intensely highlighted the areas of my life that I have to deal with. I believe that over the course of a 40-day challenge, these clearings will only intensify, and I would therefore warmly recommend it to anyone who wishes to explore their own "unknown" areas through diverse and exciting meditations. Although at times a poignant and painful 'journey', the end result is stunningly transformative! Julia! Thank you for the opportunity, I am grateful for your professionalism and your dedication to people!"